A register of Ferrari V-6 Dinos was started by Denny Schue in 1980. Now, more then 25 years
later, the Dino Register has history on over 3,400 of the approximately 4,100 made, and past and present owner names
that number close to 15,000. Assistance started coming in from newly found Dino friends from around the USA, and also
from Japan, Germany, Switzerland, Hong Kong, France, Australia, and England. Dealers in the USA joined in and have
been very helpful in supplying chassis numbers on new and used Dinos going through their dealerships. It is with the
help of these countless people who made the Dino Register what it is today.
The Dino Register is not a club. There are no meetings, no newsletters, and no dues, and it is just an information
exchange amongst interested individuals.
If you are looking for history on any particular car, please inquire. There is no charge for this service.
Last update January, 25th 2025
Photographs Courtesy of Bill Noon/Symbolic Motor Car Company.